Forest Land Taxation Advisory Committee

The Forest Land Taxation Advisory Committee must be appointed and convened no later than July 1 of the year that is two years prior to the first year of the reappraisal cycle. The terms of the members expire on June 30 of the first year of each reappraisal cycle.

The committee has nine members:

  • Four forestry experts appointed by the majority and minority leaders from the state Senate and House of Representatives.
  • Two industrial forest landowners appointed by the governor.
  • Two nonindustrial forest landowners appointed by the governor.
  • A county commissioner appointed by the governor.

The 2021 Montana Legislature amended 15-44-103, MCA, under Senate Bill 262. The section outlines the committee’s specific roles and responsibilities.

Meeting Details

Date and Time:
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

In-person*: Mitchell Building, Basement – Glacier Room
125 North Roberts Street, Helena MT

Note: The closest parking can be found on the Sanders Street side of the building. From Sanders Street, enter through the northeast doors, take the elevator to the 3rd floor, and check in at the call center window immediately to right upon exiting the elevator. Once checked in, you will be shown to the 4th floor director’s conference room.

*If you are unable to attend in person, use the information below to access the meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting: 2024 Forest Lands Taxation Advisory Committee Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 818 2640 6379

Password: 417567

Dial by Telephone

+1 646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 818 2640 6379

Password: 417567

Committee Members

MemberQualificationMailing AddressPhone NumberEmail
Gordy SandersIndustrial Forest LandownerP. O. Box 549
Seeley Lake, MT 59868
Office: 406-677-2201 ext. 26
Cell: (406) 239-3145
Paul McKenzieIndustrial Forest Landowner2104 Barnett Rd
Columbia Falls, MT 59912
Randy MannixNonindustrial Forest LandownerP.O. Box 88
Helmville, MT 59843
Nancy MehaffieNonindustrial Forest Landowner18 Farrenkopf Ln
Thompson Falls, MT 59873
Greg ChilcottCounty Commissioner346 Valley View
Stevensville, MT 59870
Senator Mike CuffeExpertise in Forest MattersP.O. Box 1685
Eureka, MT 59917
Senator Pat FlowersExpertise in Forest Matters11832 Gee Norman Rd
Belgrade, MT 59714
Representative Becky BeardExpertise in Forest MattersP.O. Box 85
Elliston, MT 59728
Representative Marilyn MarlerExpertise in Forest Matters1750 S. 8th St W.
Missoula, MT 59801

Learn About Forest Land Classification and Valuation