Filing Season Begins January 28, 2019

January 23, 2019

The Montana Department of Revenue will open the state Individual Income Tax filing season on Monday, January 28, 2019.

“We encourage Montanans to get started early with their returns, and to file electronically,” said Montana Department of Revenue Director Gene Walborn. “E-filing is the easiest and most secure way to file your returns and the best way to get your refund as quickly as possible.”

Nearly 90 percent of Montanans already file electronically. Tax software providers and tax professionals will be accepting and preparing tax returns before January 28, and will submit those returns when the IRS and state systems open.

Montana filers should allow up to 90 days to receive their refunds.

Free and low-cost help is available for Montanans who qualify, with tax help events in dozens of communities across the state.

Taxpayers will see a few changes this year.

  • For those who file on paper, the federal Form 1040EZ has been discontinued, and with that change the corresponding Montana Form 2EZ is also discontinued. Filers who would have used form 2EZ can now file just the first page of the new, streamlined Form 2.
  • Copies of the 1099-G form will not be mailed. This form documents payments from Montana, such as income tax refunds, for use in federal returns. Starting this year, filers can find the information online at
  • The former separate paper form for the Elderly Homeowner/Renter Tax Credit (Form 2EC) is now included in Form 2. Those with no obligation to file can still claim the credit online at, or on Form 2, using just Pages 1 and 9.

The department also urges those filing a Montana return for the first time to keep their mailing address current with the department to avoid possible delays in receiving their refunds. Visit or call (406) 444-6900 for more information.

Tax returns must be filed by April 15.

Montana Individual Income Tax Return Form 2 Available in My Revenue
Montana Individual Income Tax Return Form 2 Available in My Revenue