Draft 2018 Individual Tax Form Available

November 30, 2018

The Draft 2018 Montana Individual Income Tax Return (Form 2) (PDF, 346 KB) is now available for your review.

Please note the following changes:

Redesigned Form 2
We made changes to match the redesigned federal Form 1040.
We streamlined the Form 2 Layout to make the filing experience simpler and easier. For example, we’ve grouped related schedules and worksheets.
Eliminated Form 2EZ (Short Form)
Taxpayers who filed the short form in the past will need to file a Form 2. As part of the Form 2 redesign, most former 2EZ filers should need to complete only the first page.
Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit
The Form 2EC is no longer available. Instead, the credit is calculated on a schedule included with the Form 2.
Individuals who qualify for the elderly homeowner/renter credit but do not have an income tax filing requirement can apply for this credit online using the TransAction Portal (TAP).
Taxpayers who do not have an income tax filing requirement but still wish to claim the elderly homeowner/renter credit using paper will need to complete pages 1 and 9 of the new Form 2.

We are committed to assisting you with any questions you may have about your filing requirements, especially regarding changes to the federal and state income tax forms.

Contact us for more information.

Download the Draft 2018 Montana Individual Income Tax Return (Form 2) (PDF, 346 KB)