Brendan Beatty

Scott Mendenhall
Deputy Director

Tracy Morano
Operations Officer
Citizen Outreach
Call Center
The department’s Call Center assists taxpayers, licensees, businesses, and property owner’s by answering questions on the phone and through email, as well as coordinating the eStop Business Licensing and Unclaimed Property programs.
The Communications Office houses the department’s web team, media contacts, publication design, and training staff.
Communications staff provides both technical and creative support for department staff, helping to ensure the department’s messages reach the right audience in the best way possible for that audience.

Jason Slead
Communications Director
Executive Office
The Executive Office Staff provides administrative support services for the work units within the Director’s Office.

Dayle Williams
Management Officer
Financial Services Office
The Financial Services Office ensures state tax collections and department expenses are properly accounted for and works with leadership to coordinate the administration of the department’s budget.
They do this by working closely with the governor’s budget office, Legislative Fiscal Division, and the Department of Revenue administrators, ultimately to comply with legislative intent and MCA 17-7 Budgeting and Appropriations.

Chelsey Gochis
Financial Manager
Human Resources and Organizational Development Office
The Human Resources and Organizational Development Office handles a variety of HR duties including organizational and workforce development, employee and labor relations, staffing, employment law, performance management, compensation, and training and development.

Charles Geary
HR Director
Legal Services Office
Legal Services supervises the overall legal efforts of the department, including rules, policies, bankruptcy, and the Office of Dispute Resolution.
Office of Dispute Resolution
Consistent with most federal and state agencies, the Department of Revenue retains an independent adjudicatory office, called the Office of Dispute Resolution. Its purpose is to render fair, objective, and unbiased decisions in tax disputes free from agency influence or direction.
The Hearing Examiners assigned to the ODR are not subject to performance ratings, promotions, demotions, or compensation based upon the number of times she decides in favor of the agency or the taxpayer. Along with all other agency hearing examiners, she assumes a unique status in state government.
It is the Hearing Examiner’s responsibility to render decisions based upon the record and evidence of each case. The decisions are expected to fully explain why one party or another prevails in any given dispute. The administrative rules for the ODR are ARM 42.2.613 through 42.2.621.

Dave Stewart
Chief Legal Counsel
Procurement, Contracts, and Facilities Office
The Procurement, Contracts, and Facilities Office is responsible for the department’s purchasing, safety and security, and statewide facility functions.
This office supports the efficient and safe operations of department facilities and conducts disaster and emergency preparedness and continuity of government activities.
This office also works with vendors and contractors to ensure the department’s needs are met in the most efficient, effective, and cost-effective manner.

Nathan Showalter
Unit Manager
Tax Policy and Research
Tax Policy and Research (TPR) prepares the legislative fiscal notes that affect revenue and analyzes legislative proposals affecting the department, department economic data, and tax compliance.

Eric Dale
TPR Director