A pass-through entity is a business whose owners claim the income on their own income tax returns based on their share of profits or losses.
Pass-through entities include:
- Partnerships
- S corporations
- Limited Liability Companies (LLC) taxed as partnerships or S corporations
- Disregarded Entities, such as single-member LLCs (SMLLCs)
Pass-through entities generally do not pay federal income tax. However, a pass-through entity may incur a Montana tax liability.
The pass-through entity may elect to pay pass-through entity tax or composite tax.
Due Dates
- Returns
- March 15
- Extensions
- September 15
Related Resources
- Montana Pass-Through Entity Tax Return (Form PTE)
- Montana Form PTE Instructions
- Montana Schedule K-1 (Form PTE)
- Pass-Through Entity Owner Tax Agreement (Form PT-AGR)
- Montana Disregarded Entity Information Return (Form DER-1)
- Affidavit of Inactivity for Corporations, Partnerships and Disregarded Entities (Form INA-CT) TAP
- Application for Tax Certificate (Form CR-T) TAP
- Montana Department of Revenue Business Registration (Form GenReg) TAP
- Nexus Questionnaire (Form NEXUS)
- Partnership E-File Waiver Request (Form PWR)
- Montana Partnership Tax Payment Voucher (Form PR)
- Montana S Corporation Tax Payment Voucher (Form SB)
- Montana Disregarded Entity Tax Payment Voucher (Form DER)
- Montana S Corporation Information and Composite Tax Return (Form CLT-4S)
- Montana Form CLT-4S Small Business Corporation Booklet
- Montana Partnership Information and Composite Tax Return (Form PR-1)
- Montana Form PR-1 Partnership Booklet (Form PR-1-Instructions)