Oil and Natural Gas Production Tax

Oil and Natural Gas producers must file an Oil and Natural Gas Production Tax Return.

Oil and Natural Gas returns are available in our TransAction Portal (TAP).

Tax Rates effective January 1, 2024

Natural Gas

Effective 7/1/23, with the passage of Senate Bill 426, the definition of Natural Gas has been expanded to include all forms of inert gas, including helium.

Montana taxes natural gas by percentage of gross value per cubic foot of natural gas produced and sold.

The gross value is the total cubic feet produced each month multiplied by the average wellhead value per cubic foot.

You may deduct any natural gas used in operating the well.

Total Cubic Feet - Production Used in Operation X Average Wellhead Value = Gross Value
 Working InterestNonworking InterestReporting Schedule
Primary Recovery ProductionFirst 12 months of production0.80%15.10%NG-INCENTIVE
Pre-1999 wells after incentive period15.10%15.10%NG-PRE99
Post-1999 wells after incentive period9.30%15.10%NG-POST
Stripper wells averaging < 60 MCF per dayPre-1999 wells11.30%15.10%NG-PRE99
Horizontally completed well productionFirst 18 months of qualifying production0.80%15.10%NG-INCENTIVE


Montana taxes oil production by percentage of gross value per barrel produced and sold.

The gross value is the total barrels produced each month multiplied by the average wellhead value per barrel.

You may deduct any oil used in operating the well.

(Total Barrels - Barrels Used in Operation) x Average Wellhead Value = Gross Value
 Working InterestNonworking InterestReporting Schedule
Primary Recovery ProductionFirst 12 months of production0.80%15.10%O-INCENTIVE
Pre-1999 wells after incentive period12.80%15.10%O-REG
Post-1999 wells after incentive period9.30%15.10%O-REG
Stripper Wells
Averaging < 10 barrels per day for pre-99 wells or
Averaging < 15 barrels per day for post-99 wells
Pre-1999 stripper oil9.30%15.10%O-STRIP Pre-99
Post-1999: First 10 barrels of stripper oil
Average quarterly sales price reported for all Montana Oil < $30 per barrel
5.30%15.10%O-STRIP Post-99
Post-1999: Over 10 barrels of stripper oil
Average quarterly sales price reported for all Montana oil < $30 per barrel
9.30%15.10%O-STRIP Post-99
Stripper Well Exemption or Bonus
Averaging ≤ 3 barrels per day
Pre-1999 Stripper Well Exemption
Average quarterly sales price reported for all Montana oil < $54 per barrel
Post-1999 Stripper Well Exemption
Average quarterly sales price reported for all Montana oil < $54 per barrel
Pre-1999 Stripper Well Bonus
Average quarterly sales price reported for all Montana oil ≥ $54 per barrel
Post-1999 Stripper Well Bonus
Average quarterly sales price reported for all Montana oil ≥ $54 per barrel
Horizontally DrilledPost-1999 wells first 18 months0.80%15.10%O-INCENTIVE
Incremental ProductionNew or expanded secondary recovery production8.80%15.10%ENH-INCR
New or expanded tertiary production6.10%15.10%ENH-INCR
Horizontally Recompleted WellPost-1999 wells first 18 months (on incremental production)0.80%15.10%ENH-INCR

Production Incentives

Please see the First Quarter 2024 Incentive Letter for more information about the current oil incentives.

Stripper Oil

Starting January 1, 2022

Pre-99 Stripper Well
A Pre-99 stripper well is an oil well drilled before January 1, 1999 that produced more than 3 barrels per day but fewer than 10 barrels per day in the prior calendar year.
There is no price restriction on a Pre-99 stripper well.
Post-99 Stripper Well
A Post-99 stripper well is an oil well drilled on or after January 1, 1999 that produced more than 3 barrels a day but fewer than 15 barrels a day in the prior calendar year if the average quarterly sales price reported by a producer for all MT oil is less than $30 a barrel.
If the price of oil is equal to or greater than $30 a barrel in a quarter, there is no stripper tax rate for post-99 wells in that quarter.

Stripper Well Exemption and Stripper Well Bonus

The average quarterly sales price reported by the producer for all Montana oil determines whether the stripper well exemption or the stripper well bonus is available to that producer for that quarter.

Starting January 1, 2022, on the OSTR-X3 schedule, there are separate Working Interest columns for pre-99 and post-99 wells under both the stripper well exemption and the stripper well bonus.

Stripper Well Exemption

If a producer's average quarterly sales price is less than $54, then the stripper well exemption is available for that quarter.

Stripper Well Bonus

If a producer's average quarterly sales price equals or is greater than $54, then the stripper well bonus is available for that quarter.

Incremental Production

For new or expanded tertiary production (working interest taxed at 6.10%) approved by the board of oil and gas conservation between March 23, 2017 and February 18, 2019, the average price for a barrel of west Texas intermediate crude oil must be less than $54 a barrel in order for the incentive for incremental oil production to be available for that quarter.

The average price for the quarter ending March 31, 2024 is $77.5039.

Since the average price is not less than $54, this incentive is not available for this quarter.

First Quarter 2024 West Texas Intermediate Prices

New or expanded tertiary production (working interest taxed at 6.10%) approved by the board of oil and gas conservation on or after February 19, 2019 is not subject to any price trigger.

Exempt Royalties

Tax exempt royalties:

Reporting and Payment Options

Due Dates

Returns are due 60 days from the end of the calendar quarter.

First QuarterMay 30
Second QuarterAugust 29
Third QuarterNovember 29
Fourth QuarterMarch 1

Penalties and Interest

The Oil and Natural Gas Production Tax is subject to uniform penalties and interest.

Revenue Distribution

We collect Oil and Natural Gas taxes and distribute the revenue between the state and counties. Each county receives a percentage of revenue as shown in 15-36-331, MCA.

The remaining revenue is divided:

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