Miscellaneous Mines Net Proceeds Tax

All miscellaneous mineral mines must file a Miscellaneous Mines Net Proceeds return.

The Miscellaneous Mines Net Proceeds Tax applies to:

Tax Rates

Local mill levies apply to the taxable value of the minerals produced:

Taxable Value X Mill Levies = Tax Owed

Determining Taxable Value

The taxable value is 100% of the annual net proceeds, except:

For these four minerals, the taxable value is the number of tons produced multiplied by a specific price calculated annually.

Tons Produced X Set Price = Taxable Value


Mines producing industrial garnets, travertine, and building stones are exempt from the Mines Net Proceeds Tax on their first 1,000 tons of production.

Mines producing more than 1,000 tons of industrial garnets are liable for all production in the year.

Sand and gravel are exempt from mines net proceeds tax.

Reporting and Payment Options

Local county treasurers collect Miscellaneous Mines Net Proceeds Tax.  Contact your county for more information.

Due Dates

Miscellaneous Mines Net Proceeds returns are due by March 31.

Revenue Distribution

Local county treasurers distribute the MMN Tax to the appropriate tax jurisdiction based on the relative mills levied by all jurisdictions levying taxes in the area.

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