Distillery Licenses

In order to apply for a distillery license, the distillery must be located in Montana. If the business is located outside of Montana, it is considered a distilled spirits supplier (contact the Liquor Distribution Bureau).

Distillery Permissions

A distillery license lets you:

If you are a microdistillery, meaning you produce no more than 200,000 proof gallons of liquor each year, you may also sell limited quantities of your products at your facility in an approved sample room.

Montana distilleries may not obtain a special permit.

By Production Level

200,000 Proof Gallons Or Less Per Year

If you produce no more than 200,000 proof gallons per year, you may:

Over 200,000 Proof Gallons Per Year

If you produce more than 200,000 proof gallons of distilled spirits each year, you may:

Domestic Distillery Storage Depot

A domestic distillery may operate a storage depot on a separate property from its manufacturing premises if the storage depot is used exclusively for storage.

To be approved for a storage depot, a distillery must submit:

Distilleries may request more than one storage depot. However, each storage depot must have its own domestic distillery storage depot license. 

All storage depots must meet suitability requirements in ARM 41.12.149 before approval.


New Distillery License Fee$600
Distillery Application Processing Fee$200

Distillery Renewal Fee

New Distillery Storage Depot License Fee$400
Distillery Storage Depot Application Processing Fee$100

Distillery Storage Depot Renewal Fee



The application processing fee only applies to original applications and is not applied to renewals.

License Requirements

Label Review and Approval

All distilled spirit labels must be approved by the Montana Department of Revenue before selling and shipping into Montana.

You may register your labels for approval through our TransAction Portal (TAP).

Location Requirements

All distillery locations must follow certain rules, including:

For a detailed list of requirements, please see ARM 42.12.149 and 42.13.802.

Application Options and Dates

Apply for a Distillery License using the Domestic Distillery License (Form MDLA), available in our TransAction Portal (TAP).

A distillery license must be renewed every year by June 30.

Distilled Spirits Supplier

If you are a distilled spirit supplier located outside Montana, please contact our ABCD Liquor Distribution team for more information: DORLiquorDist@mt.gov