HELP Entity Fee

The HELP Entity Fee (HEF) is equal to the state’s share of the annual average cost per program participant split up over 12 months, multiplied by the number of individuals in the 26 U.S.C. 501(d) organization who are receiving Medicaid coverage, less the total annual amount the entity’s members have paid in premiums.

Help Entity Fee = (Average Cost per Participant/12 X Participating Members) - Total Premiums

Filing your HELP Entity Fee Return


To file your HELP Entity Fee Return:

  1. Log into your TransAction Portal account.
  2. Under "HELP Entity Fee," click the "Action Center Items" Link
  3. Under the Action Center, click "File Return"
  4. Complete the form with all of the necessary information
  5. Press "Submit"
  6. You will need to re-enter your password to confirm your submission
  7. If you choose to make a payment, click "Pay Online" on the confirmation screen

Video Instructions

We have video instructions available on the Montana Department of Revenue YouTube page.

Payment Options

Pay your HELP Entity Fees through the TransAction Portal (TAP).

Due Dates

HELP Entity Fee returns and payments are due on April 15.


For more information, please contact the Department's Business Tax Unit:


(406) 444-6900
